Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2 parties 1 suck

We still have among us those who, contrary to what they see with their own eyes, believe that Obama or Romney are going lead this nation with the people's interests in mind.

Isn't it obvious to you? My fellow Americans, we are being lead into the abyss. There might not be any gas chambers or ovens at the end of this journey, we aren't nearly as efficient as the Nazi SS were, but we will be slaughtered.

We will be killed by our own foolishness. We will be left for dead by our own laziness. And those among us who are prepared for anything will be drowned by those who are not.  Like a strong swimmer being drowned by the panic of the struggling swimmer he was trying to save, the panic of the masses will ensure our mutual destruction.

Who do we blame for our troubling circumstance?  The 2 party system, lobbies, greed, a serious lack of education and a population of materialistic selfish auto bots.

I laugh at the 99%ers and their Obama signs... I cringe at the Tea Party for Romney signs.  What a perfect bunch of fools we have here.