Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mark Levin (March 8th 2013)

Mark Levin was actually speaking some truth on Friday night.

He was busting on McCain's interventionism stance, he had Rand Paul on and he was showering Paul with complimentary praises.  That's what we need, a movement back in time, diplomatically and financially, to the tune of noninterference with other nations' dirty laundry.

Critics like to call it isolationism, but critics can go fight and die in these wars themselves if that's what they want.  McCain is a turncoat, we know these wars cost us too much to wage in the absence of wartime looting (the only thing that ever made war profitable) and with the new age need to rebuild your defeated enemy.   War has always been insanity, but now more than ever it insane to even consider it.

Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and terrorism.  What good is war?

We the people need to start looking out for ourselves, to hell with the international community.  10 minutes browsing (the front page of the internet) will show you how much the international community cares about the US.  The most popular meme about the subject is one word, "Merika!" usually superimposed on a photograph of overweight hill billies surrounded by their dirty children who wear dumbfounded looks on their faces.

One thing that McCain did say that rings true, and lets give credit where credit is due, he said "The wackos and crazies are the only ones who get the media's microphone".  Well McCain, I couldn't agree with you more while you sit there behind the media's microphone as an invited guest.

Do I suddenly trust Mark Levin? No, I don't.  Do I suddenly trust Rand Paul? No, I don't.  But it's pretty damn sad that the senate wouldn't sign a one paragraph statement that says "the government won't use assassination against US citizens on US soil".  Yet the senate will sign any 10,000 page bill that you lay in front of them without even reading it, so long as it has a nice fancy title like "The Patriot Act"

And assholes like McCain will get on national TV and call you paranoid and delusional for even suggesting that signing a one paragraph statement is necessary.  Red versus Blue versus you!  Let us not forget that McCain was breaking bread with Obama while Rand Paul stood up for our rights.

I can't wait to see the media blackout of Rand Paul begin.  It is coming.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2 parties 1 suck

We still have among us those who, contrary to what they see with their own eyes, believe that Obama or Romney are going lead this nation with the people's interests in mind.

Isn't it obvious to you? My fellow Americans, we are being lead into the abyss. There might not be any gas chambers or ovens at the end of this journey, we aren't nearly as efficient as the Nazi SS were, but we will be slaughtered.

We will be killed by our own foolishness. We will be left for dead by our own laziness. And those among us who are prepared for anything will be drowned by those who are not.  Like a strong swimmer being drowned by the panic of the struggling swimmer he was trying to save, the panic of the masses will ensure our mutual destruction.

Who do we blame for our troubling circumstance?  The 2 party system, lobbies, greed, a serious lack of education and a population of materialistic selfish auto bots.

I laugh at the 99%ers and their Obama signs... I cringe at the Tea Party for Romney signs.  What a perfect bunch of fools we have here.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Welcome to my new blog

This blog will be dedicated to exposing the truth that is hiding in plain sight. Red vs. Blue vs. You, the truth of our now meaningless existence. Never before in history have so many people lived their lives with so little hope.